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Changjin Lake red scarf, red with hope! ——Yue Timei

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掃一掃!Changjin Lake red scarf, red with hope! ——Yue Timei掃一掃!
瀏覽:- 發(fā)布日期:2021-10-17 17:15:23【

Did you guys watch the Changjin Lake movie? I wonder if I have been shocked? When I saw some fragments, I couldn't help being touched by that spirit! Without the brave spirit of sacrifice of the older generation, there would be no good life today, so we have to thank the older generation for their dedication! What's more, the editor is deeply moved by the Changjin Lake Red Scarf!

Changjin Lake red scarf

The moment the Changjin Lake red scarf was thrown out, I was moved in my heart! The red light on the red scarf is the red in my heart! The moment this red scarf was thrown out, not only represents warmth, but also represents hope! War is cruel, but the more cruel the more it can stop the beauty from blooming! The scarf of hope represents the desire for a better life. The red scarf also represents longing. I look forward to the chance to meet again, because everyone knows that when a person lives, he depends on which belief in his heart. The red scarf is belief!

Changjin Lake red scarf

The Changjin Lake Red Scarf, with this red faith, we are moving towards the goal of the future together. Red is hope!

Changjin Lake red scarf


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