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Custom silk scarves, what kind of details need to be paid attention to——Yuetimei

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掃一掃!Custom silk scarves, what kind of details need to be paid attention to——Yuetimei掃一掃!
瀏覽:- 發(fā)布日期:2021-12-27 17:06:59【

As a company that produces scarves, we often encounter various problems. Some time ago, a customer asked us to customize silk scarves, but the customers did not know it very well. There happened to be a friend who left a message saying that they would like to customize silk scarves and would like to know about custom silk scarves. Note for the scarf, we will introduce the custom silk scarf today!

Custom silk scarves

What should I pay attention to when making silk scarves? If we don't understand professional knowledge, then we can first understand some simple things, such as the size of custom silk scarves, weight, millimetres, etc. What do these mean? The size of custom silk scarves, the general size is 52*175, 90*90, 110*110, 140*140, etc., the general conventional size, the manufacturer can customize! So, what is Memmi? The mum of the silk scarf is the thickness of the silk scarf, such as our common 12 m m, 14 m m, 16 m m, 18 m m and so on. The m m is the thickness of the silk scarf. The higher the m m, the higher the mum The thicker the towel!

Custom silk scarves

Then do you still need to know what custom silk scarves? In addition, there are also custom-made silk scarf craftsmanship and hemming technology. You don't know much about these possible purchasers. It doesn't matter. The sales of general manufacturers will explain their differences to you, which one is right for you! In fact, what other things need to be paid attention to? That is to find out whether the manufacturer itself has the strength to serve customers well, whether it has the strength to do this batch of orders, we need to consider from other aspects!

Custom silk scarves

In fact, custom silk scarves are not just that simple, there are some things we need to pay attention to, we will continue to introduce next time!

Custom silk scarves








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