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The difference between a cashmere scarf and a wool scarf

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掃一掃!The difference between a cashmere scarf and a wool scarf掃一掃!
瀏覽:- 發(fā)布日期:2021-11-20 16:45:51【

When we buy cashmere scarves and wool scarves, some people wonder, arent cashmere and wool all made from sheep? Why is there such a big difference? What is the difference between this cashmere scarf and wool scarf? How do we distinguish between them? Then the editor of the Yueti scarf silk scarf manufacturer will come to talk about the difference between cashmere scarf and wool scarf!

cashmere scarf

The difference between wool scarf and cashmere scarf is as follows:

The difference between cashmere scarf and wool scarf one component difference:

The main ingredient in wool scarves is wool, and the main ingredient in cashmere scarves is cashmere


The difference between cashmere scarf and wool scarf Two difference in comfort:

A wool scarf will feel a little tie when it fits tightly, and it is not as comfortable as a cashmere scarf.

 —cashmere scarf

The difference between cashmere scarf and wool scarf three price difference:

The price of wool scarves is about three yuan, while some cashmere scarves cost more than one thousand yuan.


The difference between cashmere scarf and wool scarf Four washing differences:

Cashmere scarves are not easy to shrink after washing, and wool scarves are easy to shrink.

—cashmere scarf 

The difference between cashmere scarf and wool scarf Five differences in warmth retention:

Cashmere scarf has a higher degree of natural curl, so it has better warmth retention than wool.

  The difference between cashmere scarf and wool scarf, do these five points make you understand a little bit? Do you want to know the difference between other cashmere scarves and wool scarves? Welcome to consult us!

——cashmere scarf


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